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How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?

How Long Are Dogs Pregnant?

Do you have a pregnant dog? You may be wondering how long they will stay pregnant and when should you expect your dog to give birth.

You have to understand the basics of dog pregnancy. This way you will be guided accordingly.

When Is Your Dog In Heat

Female dogs are in heat every 6 months. And each heat cycle can last up to 3 weeks.

It is advised however that you allow your female dog to get pregnant when she has reached 2 years old.

To know if your dog is in heat is to be observant of your dog’s behavior. At the onset of the heat cycle you will notice that the vulva is swollen and a bloody discharge is present.

Male dogs are drawn to your dog but she is still uninterested. The first stage of heat lasts 6 to 10 days.

The second stage is when your dog is fertile. Once the bloody discharge changes to a sandy color, she will welcome the male attention.

This fertile stage can last up to 10 days. Some fertile stage can even go as long as 20 days.

How Do You Know If Your Dog Is Pregnant?

With dogs, the telltale signs of being pregnant is somewhat similar to that of humans. Your female dog will show nipple growth, lesser activity level, decreased appetite and more sleeping time.

Dogs also experience hormonal changes such as becoming more affectionate or wanting to be left alone.

So How Long Is Your Dog Pregnant?

The average gestation period for a dog is at 63 days. But canine gestation period is between 58 to 67 days. The number of days depends on a few factors.

The more number of puppies the shorter the pregnancy. This is because the puppies will run out of room to grow and trigger canine labor sooner.

Small breed female dogs may also carry their puppies longer than larger breed dogs.

So if your dog is pregnant, better prepare for the arrival of the puppies. Identify a secluded spot in your house for the dog birth. Also make sure that your dog is properly cared for. Ask more about dog pregnancy care the next time you visit your vet.

Learn More About Your Dog at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Bruno: Pretending To Be A Stuffed Toy

Pretending to be a stuffed toy

Meet Bruno
Owned by Jopay David

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Why Does Your Cat Often Lick And Groom Themselves?

For humans, cat licking is one of the adorable activities that these domesticated animals do.

But there’s more to licking than what you already know.

Licking As Cat’s Way of Cleaning

Most would think that cat licking is their way of cleaning themselves. And that is true. Cats love to groom themselves from head to tail.

There is even a system for these cats on how to clean their face. Licking their paws from the inside then rubbing their nose with the paw. Lick paws again then rub ears, back of the ear and over the eyes. Then do the same for the other side of the face.

After the face, the body is groomed with long strokes of the tongue. Grooming order of the body may vary and may not be groomed in one sitting.

Grooming A Social Activity Among Cats

Cat grooming is also a social activity among littermates and their cat mommy. Mutual grooming is called allogrooming. Cats learn to groom as early as 4 weeks old and start allogrooming at 5 weeks old. This activity among cats continues to adulthood.

Licking As A Stress Reliever

When cats are stressed, sometimes they are in a bend on what to do. To get their minds off the stress, they groom themselves. Licking their fur is a relaxing activity for them and doing so will alleviate their stress.

Grooming Keeps Cats From Predators

Certain scents may stick to the cat’s fur after eating or going out. Licking will rid their fur of these scents that may attract predators and keep them safe.

Cat Grooming Keeps Them Cool

As cats only sweat on their paws, grooming will keep their body temperature at normal.

Grooming Stimulates Blood Flow

If you are a cat owner, you will know that a cat’s tongue have tiny bristle-like hairs. Grooming improves the blood circulation in a cat just like when you use a brush on your scalp.

Licking Removes Stinky Smell From Others

It is thought that your cat likes to groom itself after you pet them because they want to remove your smell. Even if you know that you smell good, your cat may think otherwise. Next time you pet your cat try to observe if they groom afterwards. Then you know they don’t like your smell. Your cat has nothing against you, they simply love themselves.

Learn more about Cat Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital



Did You Say Ball? – Snowy

Did You Say Ball?!
– Snowy

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Thanks for sharing this @Jhean Villanueva Pedro, an awesome dog lover

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