All Posts by MakatiDogCat Hospital

Small: Aspin

Responsible Pet Parent: Antonette Leachon

Her name is Small. She is always mistaken to be a male dog even if dressed in a gown, thus the need for a wig. She helped me develop my patience when I discovered that I teach her to do tricks. A proud Aspin.

Twix: Corgi

Responsible Pet Parent: Stefi Delly

This is Twix, she’s a naughty baby who jumped into the fountain at BGC one time. But she can be nice sometimes, like when she poses for dramatic pictures like this one.

Chon Chon: Shih Tzu


Responsible Pet Parent: Ehm Manglicmot

Chon Chon is a sweet and loving dog. She welcomes us everyday whenever we get home. She takes our stress away and, she gives us a reason to come home early. She turned our house into a home.

Ocho: Shih Tzu


Responsible Pet Parent: Mark Ian Niñalga

Visiting my brother Uno!! 😊🐕🐶

Kobe: Shih Tzu


Responsible Pet Parent: Arvee Lucido

This is my furbaby Kobe. He brings joy to me and the whole family.

Meet Lottie The Ballerina

I can dance like a ballerina!
– Lottie

Happy Weekend to all pet lovers out there!

Do you have a cute picture of your pet? Comment your photos on our Facebook Page and get featured on our page!

From your favorite pet hospital, Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Thanks for sharing this @Jyn Ileto, an awesome pet mom

Meet The Gang! (Who Owns The Bed!)

Meet the Gang
Who owns the bed 🙂

Meet Hudson Harlem and Riley
owned by May Kwong (but the dogs own the bed, hahah)

Like to Say Hi to Our Featured Pets & Owners of the Week!

Do you have a cute picture of your pet? Comment your photos on our Facebook Page and get featured on our page!

From your favorite pet hospital, Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Why Does Your Dog Chew On Everything And How To Stop This Behaviour

After a day’s work, you look forward to going home and when you open the door to your home, you looked around in horror. Your dog just messed up big time!

It seems that your furniture has just been chewed on to bits!

Dog owners is this a familiar scenario?

Most if not all dog owners have experienced their dog gnawing on anything their teeth get into. It seems to be an accepted dog behavior.

But you can actually control this behavior and even go so far as stopping it.

Before that, you have to understand why dogs are prone to chewing much about everything.

Separation Anxiety

Dogs are pack animals in their natural environment. They feel safe when there are more than one of them left. This means when you leave your only dog at home, it makes them anxious of looking out for the territory by himself.

Chewing allows them to relieve the stress. Though some chew the door to try to escape the social isolation.

Lonely Dog

Chewing can also mean that your dog is simply bored. Your dog is not exercised as often as he or she likes or has nothing to do while waiting for your return.

Your Dog Can Be Hungry

This usually happens when your dog is on a diet. Your dog attempts to find additional nutrition sources. And you will know this if the objects chewed on are food related or smells like food.

So what can be your actions to control and eventually stop the chewing?

Rule Out Medical Concerns

To make sure that your pet does not have any medical problems, see your vet to confirm that your dog’s chewing is just normal behavior. Poor diet with or without intestinal parasitism can lead to dog chewing. These gastrointestinal problems can cause nausea and chewing is your pet’s coping mechanism.

Dog Proof Your House

Puppies are curious and one way to make sense of anything is through chewing. And as they are teething, chewing relieves some of its discomforts.

So remove objects that can be of interest to a young dog such as shoes, socks, toys, books and etc. Do not let them have access in rooms that are not dog proofed.

Electrical cords should be hidden to avoid electrocution.

Allow Appropriate Chewing

As chewing is a normal behavior for dogs, provide toys that they can chew on.

You can give dental chewsticks to keep your dog’s teeth healthy at the same time while they chew on it. You can also give other non-edible toys like balls, kongs, etc.

Train Your Dog Not To Chew On Your Stuff

One way to ensure that your stuff are off the dog’s chewing things is to train them.

When your dog chews on your things, take it away from him and scold him. Then give him his chewing toy and encourage him to chew on that and not on your stuff. Praise your dog when he chews on his toys and not yours.

Repeat this until your dog finally realizes that your things are off limits and he has his own chewing toys to play with.

Spend Playtime and Exercise With Your Pet

An important step to reduce chewing is giving your pet a daily exercise. When your pet is exercised, he is able to spend his energy on playing and having fun with you than just doing nothing.

If your dog is tired after all the exercising and playing then he has a lesser tendency to chew.

Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


3 Easy To Dos To Start Your Year Right With Your Pet

What are your plans for the new year with your pet? Are you just go along as always? Or do you want to make this year a better year for you and your furbaby?

Other than just making New Year’s resolutions this year (because you usually do not follow that) – try to take more concrete steps.

And of course do not just make a plan but fulfill them as well.

Here are 3 easy ways to make this year a better year with your pet:

Have A New Hobby With Your Pet

Want to start a new hobby this year? Perhaps you want to do more outdoor fun like hiking or biking. Or just having a day trip in the nearby areas. Bring your dog along and let him or her enjoy the outdoors too.

Or you can go camping. It is not just you who enjoys going out but your pet as well.

Walk With Your Pet At Least 30 Minutes A Day

Don’t say exercise. Because you might not stick to it in the long run.

Just have a fun walk with your pet at least 30 minutes a day. This could be early in the morning after waking up. Or later in the evening after dinner.

If you already do this add more walking time. This can be bonding time with your pet and a loved one as well.

Set Up A Pet Fund

Having a pet means you have to spend for them. Not just for food and other miscellaneous stuff.

Your pet requires vaccinations, check-ups, pet boarding and other pet services.

Why not save a certain amount a month to make sure that you have enough money to keep your pet healthy. This can also be very helpful in times of emergency and when your pet gets older.


Give the best year yet to your pet!

Learn how to care for your pets at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


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