All Posts by MakatiDogCat Hospital

Meet Tyler and Tammy

Ready to go to the park!

Meet Tyler and Tammy
Owned by Mariel Miguel Pajarillo

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From your favorite pet hospital, Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Why Does Your Cat Like To Scratch?

There are three common reasons for this common cat behavior.

First, cats need to scratch. Cat scratching will help eliminate the outer layer of the claw. Scratching also exercises the muscles of the cat’s shoulders and legs. Think humans stretching when waking up in the morning.

Second, other than just putting territorial marks, cats also leave their scent. Cat paws have scent glands between the toes that secrete pheromones. Through scratching, pheromones are transferred. This will inform other cats that a cat already “owns” the area.

Third, scratching is a stress reliever for your cat. Your cat may like to scratch when excited, frustrated, happy or anxious.

It is important for every cat owner to understand cat scratching. Make sure that you provide your cat a scratching post.

Learn more about Cat Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


The Legend Of Cats

Once upon a time, dogs have been roaming around the Earth. However, there was an ancient city.

This city was full of majestic animals. The animals were called cats. Each of them had nine lives. A dog dared go in.

Cats did not want to go to the outside world because humans would want to kill them.

A few dogs took out some cats. Some of the cats were killed. Some were bred to different cats.

The cats today, you should protect the tigers, lions, and other wild cats as they will become extinct.

“The Legend of Cats” is written by Nicky Carlos,
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital’s youngest summer intern.

Do Dogs And Cats Enjoy Watching Television?

In the recent development of digital television, it is believed that pets have better reception of it.

How Do Pets See Television?

Compared to humans, cats and dogs have very different vision.

To pets, the old television was just showing a series of images flashing on the screen. For human eyes, the reception looked continuous.

This is because dogs and cats have a faster flicker rate than humans. Their brains are able to pick up more images from their retina per second. This meant TV appear as a series of flashing images.

That has now changed with digital television.

How Do Pets See?

Dogs and cats don’t see vibrant colours, but see movement more accurately than we do.

Dogs can see some colours but more on the blue spectrum. But they are red-green colour-blind.

Cats see more colours in the blue, yellow and green spectrums than dogs. These felines are adapted to low light situations. The anatomy of their eye allows them to hunt in near darkness areas.

Cats are less optimised for the red colour spectrum, but can know the difference between green and red.

So the bright colours of your favourite TV shows are most probably lost on them.

Dogs and cats are also far-sighted. This means close-up images appear somewhat fuzzy. In fact even with distant things they are easier to see if moving.

Cats rely mostly on their sensitive whiskers when viewing up close.

Your pets don’t see TV the same way that humans do. And these domesticated animals might find certain shows uncomfortable to their sensitive ears.

However, there are pet owners who can attest that their cats and dogs have favorite shows. In any case, you can always turn the brightness down in your TV. Or subscribe to pet channels to indulge your furry kid to couch potato time.

Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Happy Client: Midas Bailey Cagantas

Midas Bailey Cagantas says:
The doctors and staff at the Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are:
Pleasantly easy to approach and talk to.

Here’s what happy customers of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are saying:

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Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Are you too busy to bring your pet to the vet?
Avail of our Home Pet Service Now!

Call us at 896-2860 today and look for Ms. Mylez to set an appointment!
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Dreams About My Little Puma

I call her ‘Frida The Healing Cat’.

Instinctively, she knew when my daughter Sophie or I was sick with a fever.

She would always be by our bedside, weirdly kneading our tummies and purring heavily, as though she was the medicine cat of comfort.

I call her ‘The Healing Cat’ for a deeper reason. She has been my emotional equalizer helping me heal four years after my cat Gustav passed away in 2005. He was my soul mate and travel buddy for twelve years.

It was on a rainy day nine years ago when I picked up Frida from the street.
She was about two months old—drenched in the rain, scrawny, hungry, and dirty like a wet rat. But her spirit of play and her will to survive washed away the grim of the day instantly that very moment. She followed me tirelessly.

Then, I would pick her up and put her in a safe and dry corner but she just
kept on running back towards me as if telling me to take her home with me.

And so, I did.

She is an intense grouch.

She bites.

She hisses like how a puma roars.

She lets out her claws, ready to pounce and fight back.


She is extremely moody as she is equally enigmatic and beautiful. Her
piercingly hypnotic green eyes, her vampire-like fangs, and intimidating grin convince people that she is no less than a psycho cat.

If there were a cat version of Miranda Priestly in the film ‘The Devil Wears
Prada’, it would be Frida—diabolical, snobbish, and tough.

But I also know that she is a misunderstood cat to many other cats and people because beneath her velvety black coat is an extremely empathic and gentle cat soul, who continues to rush to the front door everyday and wait for me to get home from work.

It was last April 19 of this year when her vet confirmed that she has fibrosarcoma. I questioned myself endlessly what she was trying to heal in me this time after my medical leave of three months.

It is that certain connection pet parents have and believe that pets are their ‘great protectors’.

What I call her—‘The Healing Cat’—is now ironic. Exhausting my Google skills and relentlessly researching on the best natural remedy available out there to help heal Frida.

Talking to my dad, who is a veterinarian back home in Cebu, about how to deal with pet cancers.

Working closely with Frida’s doctor in Makati Dog and Cat Hospital who continues to monitor Frida’s condition with so much dedication and empathy.

After four surgeries and scars she has endured, I still find Frida in her happy moments chasing rubber balls, jumping in and out of cardboard boxes, and skittishly rolling underneath my duvet.

After a few discussions I exchanged with Frida’s vet about the kind of care he advices and recommends for Frida, we both agreed that chemotherapy was not an option.

Quality of life from hereon is what matters—with lots of love, cat hugs, turmeric juice, and making sure Frida continues to live happy everyday with Sophie and me by her side.

Not a day goes by without giving her fresh turmeric juice mixed with a pinch of pepper, her supplements and vitamins, and homecooked galunggong that she loves so much, prepared fresh everyday by Yaya Linda.

There are times, though, when I find it difficult to accept her condition.

There are some days when she feels unwell and some nights when I catch myself staring blankly at her as she cuddles beside me.

I try very hard to pull my thoughts back to my yoga mantra, “To keep the faith, to live in the present moment, and to let go.”

In the seven years of my yoga journey and applying that mindfulness in a two-hour-practice, I never imagined how meaningful, challenging, and powerful these words would define and reveal my emotional vulnerability, embracing me with strength as I help Frida fight her cancer by providing the best care and love I can give her.

Surreal as it sounds, Frida is literally a strange dream I had that came true. 

Before that serendipitous moment when she walked up to me on that rainy day, I had recurring dreams of a flying black cat that seemed like a detail of a painting.

Every short and frequent trip to the vet brings my thoughts back to that recurring dream I had.

She sits in her basket and props her head up by the car window as if she was flying against the flickering background that frames her view.

And so if dreams were this vivid and if they really do come true, then I wish to dream again about my little puma—this time, healed and free from cancer.

Life is, indeed, stranger than fiction—only because it writes an unceremonious story that reveal the realities—which will never be easy for any of us to accept.

Stephanie dela Cruz

Happy Client: Khim Mella

You can be assured that your pet is in good hands! The doctors are really nice too. They are a little bit more pricey but they are the best IMHO compared to the many (more affordable) vet clinics I’ve gone to! They have saved 2 of my dogs already
– Khim Mella

Here’s what happy customers of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are saying:

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Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Teaching Responsible Ownership To A New Generation

On a sunny school day afternoon I was invited by Dr. Sixto Carlos to speak about responsible pet ownership to a group of young ladies from the Immaculate Concepcion Academy (ICA) in Greenhills, San Juan.

The audience was actually members of their school’s pet owner’s/science club and the seminar was actually the activity they had for their school’s club and organization week.

The seminar was an opportunity for me to relive my days as a member of “Pet-Aware”, an organization that myself, Dr. Carlos, and some other friends founded some years ago wherein we visited schools to teach children and young adults about responsible pet ownership.

With the growing increase of public interest in adopting animals for pets Pet Aware may make a comeback to help these new pet owners, especially the
younger ones, the true meaning of responsible pet ownership.

The lecture that we presented to the young students of ICA showed the different ways of how to care for their pets and included such topics as proper feeding and nutrition, maintenance of their pet’s health and hygiene, signs of illness and disease, and safety and security for both themselves and their pets.

The lecture included several important items to remember as pet owners such as foods that are harmful for your pets, the importance of pet vaccination, and even showed a video on the dangers of Rabies.

It was very heartwarming to see that many of the club’s members were already pet owners themselves but were very open to learning what we shared with them.

The young ladies of ICA were very accommodating to us and were very
happy to tell us about their own pet stories as well as ask questions of how
to take better take care of their pets even after the presentation.

We ended our short but wonderful stay at ICA with hopes that we have shared our message of true pet responsibility to a new generation of pet owners. I look forward to making more of these lectures with Dr. Sixto Carlos and the staff of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital to share this message
with the new generation of pet owners.
Benedict de Borja

UPAA Lifetime Distinguished Achievement Award

Dr. Enrique T. Carlos, DVM has received an award from the UPAA Distinguished Alumni last June 25th at the Ang Bahay ng Alumni, UP Diliman, Quezon City.

Dr. Enrique T. Carlos is a highly respected veterinarian who has received some of the highest local and international honors, awards, and recognitions for his endeavours and understanding in the field of veterinary research, has received an award from the University of the Philippines Alumni Association.

He has co-founded the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines (VPAP), Philippine Animal Hospital Association (PAHA), Philippines College of Canine Practitioners (PCCP), and Philippine College of Veterinary Public Health (PCVPH).


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