All Posts by MakatiDogCat Hospital

5 Simple New Year’s Resolutions That You Can Keep With Your Pet

Happy New Year Responsible Pet Parent!

Have you come up with your New Year’s resolution already?

… walk more often

… shed off the pounds gained during the holiday season

… read a book

You may have a New Year’s resolution for yourself, so why not have a resolution for you and your pet?

In my years of keeping New Year’s resolutions,  I learned a simple trick to be able to sustain what I have set out to do for the year.

The secret?

Keep your new year’s resolutions simple and fun.  This way, you be more motivated to do it more often and stick to it 🙂

Now, as you think about the New Year’s resolution for you and your pet, here are some simple, do-able and fun ideas for you:

  1.  Read to your dog.
Pet New Year Resolution

Read To Your Dog

Do you read to your kids at bedtime? Have your fur baby join you.  Your pet can be allowed on the bed with the kids. If it is not allowed, your pet can can lie down by the bed.

Don’t have kids? You can read to your fur baby anyway.

  1. Take long walks.
    Pet New Year Resolution

    Take Long Walks With Your Pet

It can be on the sidewalk, or in the park—whatever works best for you and your dog. Going for a nice walk or run is one of the best ways pet owners can profess their love. Dogs really enjoy being active.

Go take your dog for a walk around the block, or spend a half an hour in the evening or early morning just going for a play.

  1.  Ear Rubs Make Your Dog High On Love
Pet New Year Resolution

Ear Rubs Make Your Dog High On Love

Ear rubs literally make your dog high. A dog’s ears are full of nerve endings that send impulses all through the body, triggering the release of endorphins. These hormones act as painkillers and are natural “drugs” that are also released when dogs feel love.

  1.  Train Your Dog
Pet New Year Resolution

Train Your Dog

Positive reinforcement is an excellent way to communicate your love, and training your dog will give you that opportunity and only make your bond stronger. Present your dog with their favorite forms of motivation, whether that’s food, praise, or play, and your dog will come to see you as a provider of the things he loves the most.

  1. Take time to pet your fur baby
pet new year resolution

Take Time To Pet Your Fur Baby

Having a pet and petting a pet makes our heart rate slow down and our stress levels go down. It simply makes us feel better and your fur baby will feel better, too.

PLUS:  Here’s The Best Way to Start Off Your 2017 Right!

I just turned 47 last January 1.  Thanks to those who greeted me on my birthday!

Here’s a special treat from your Pet Happiness Expert and Celebrity Vet:


Call us on Jan. 3 – Jan. 7 2017 to enjoy 47% OFF on Pet Grooming!  

CALL Ms. Mylez @ 896-6386 / 896-2860 and schedule your 1st grooming session in January 2017 and enjoy 47% OFF on Pet Grooming 🙂


Whether you want to schedule your first grooming session on the 1st week, 2nd week, or 4th week of January is up to you.  
Just call Ms. Mylez between Jan 3 – Jan 7 2017 to lock in your Pet Grooming at 47% off!

Happy Client: Seychelle Aivereen Garo Bulan

Great place and very accommodating staff! Thank you! – Seychelle Aivereen Garo Bulan

Are you too busy to bring your pet to the vet?

Avail of our Home Pet Service Now!

Call us at 896-2860 today and look for Ms. Mylez to set an appointment!
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Top 3 Lessons An Entrepreneur Learned From His Pet

My fascination with pets started when a friend gave me a puppy for a pet.

He may look like just an ordinary dog, but to me my pet puppy represented a whole lot more.

Thankfully, my mom knew that having a pet at a young age would teach me lessons in life and business.

They allowed me to keep my pet at home and even encouraged me to share it with my sister.

Having my pet at home strengthened my bond with my sister.

Together, we gave him the name Nestea because we both love to drink ice tea 🙂

Together, we would play fetch with Nestea. We would take turns feeding him, bathing him and even sleeping with him.

LESSON #1 We cannot thank Nestea enough for teaching us the word responsibility. At an early age, I learned that being accountable for someone is one of the steps to becoming a good entrepreneur.

Today, I am accountable for my staff and people, making sure that I take care of them, as they are my partners in business.

LESSON #2 Nestea also taught me how to handle stress. Stress is part of an entrepreneur’s life; it’s how he handles it that makes him stronger.

Every morning, Nestea rushes to the doorstep and sends us off to school! I can just imagine how sad he will be for 8 hours while we were in school.

After school, Nestea would be at the doorstep to welcome us home.

He jumps around and barks happily!

His wagging tail says he misses us.

His excited barks are his way of saying he’s been good while we were in school. He would excitedly get his ball from our room and bring it to us, as if he’s saying “I missed you, let’s play!”

Having Nestea welcoming us joyfully from school is a great stress reliever! I take comfort of the fact that we survived a day with terror teachers, boring classes and the stress of surprise quizzes! These challenges made us (me and my sister!) better persons.

Today, Nestea always reminds me that stress and hardships only make my business stronger.

LESSON #3 Nestea taught us to welcome all the experiences in life, for it is what will make us unique.

I never outgrew my love for pets and this is reflected in the way I’m doing my printing business right now.

Today, my business fully understands the need to celebrate every occasion, every milestone or every victory in your life. These are all part of your life experience.

To keep Nestea’s life lessons with me, I have asked my design team to create a line of designs that speaks of celebrations from the perspective of my pet Nestea. These designs are specially crafted with the pet lover in mind, celebrating life with her pet by her side.

Wherever Nestea may be right now, I’m pretty sure he gives his paws approval on the way we do our business.

Thanks Nestea for these Top 3 Life Lessons that guided me in my Entrepreneur journey!


Mike Uy, Founder of Urbanista Invites. Find glamorous invites to celebrate life with your pet

by your side at Mike is developing a website that shares dog training and caring tips. Pls. do watch out for


Pet Photography – Tips And Tricks

As a pet owner (or pet parent or whatever you like to call yourselves) , I understand how hard it is to take a single decent picture of your pets unless they’re born ready for the camera. I have two adorable dogs and it became a routine for me to take pictures of them regardless of what they’re doing. And when I feel like it, I’ll just whip my phone out and snap tons of pictures.

I would like to share a few tips that I learned online and by myself to you, my fellow pet lovers.


It will surely take a lot of your time so make sure to be patient with your adorable furry friend until you get the picture you want.

pet photography tips and tricks


Whenever I want my pets to look at the camera, I usually hold a treat just above the camera lens. It will put their attention on the treat making them look at the camera lens. You can also try talking to them to get their attention.


Use natural lighting as much as possible. If you’re shooting indoors, have the shoot near a window to achieve that natural light. If you’re shooting with a DSLR and the picture looks a bit paler or darker than what you wanted, you can always edit your pictures in an editing software after.


Do not always try to make your pets look at the camera. You can try taking different angles to showcase your pet’s cuteness. Try taking one with them laying down or take a picture of their paws, it’s up to you and your creative juices.

pet photography tips and tricks


While you’re aiming for the best picture, make sure that your pets are comfortable. Make sure that they’re at ease with the environment and the people you’re with (if you’re working with other people). Also, wear comfortable clothes!


Have their favourite toys and treats so they can play with it during the shoot. You can capture their smiles as they playto with their toys.


Above all these, you should also enjoy spending time with your furry friend. This is an opportunity to spend time with them without actually worrying about anything.

Now go out there and take tons of amazing pictures of your pet.

Yza Angela E. Turingan


5 Unique Ways Pets Say I Love You (and How To Love Them To The Moon and Back)

How do you know your pet baby loves you?

We asked pet moms and pet dads during our merriest Naughty and Nice Pet photo contest and here are some of the unique ways pets say I love you:

  1. Your fur baby turns our house into a home. 

“Chon Chon is a sweet and loving dog. She welcomes us everyday whenever we get home. She takes our stress away and, she gives us a reason to come home early. She turned our house into a home.”
– Ehm Manglicmot

  1. Your fur baby allows you to channel the photographer in you when she poses for dramatic pictures.

“This is Twix, she’s a naughty baby who jumped into the fountain at BGC one time. But she can be nice sometimes, like when she poses for dramatic pictures.”
– Stefi Delly

  1.  Your fur baby stares at you as if she were saying everything will be cool mum.

“Our Princess 😘❤🐶She is our princess and her name is Ginger and she is 4. A very sweet and charming little one. She loves to cuddle and sleep beside me. And when I’m sad she just stares at me as if she were saying everything will be cool mum. 😊”
– Ghee Balandra

  1.  Your fur baby gives you kisses every day

“Meet “Kulot” our naughty toy poodle that loves to chew on anything but fret not he’s a nice boy the whole year by giving us kisses everyday. 😘”
– Krizzia Allyssa Cotingjo

  1.  Your fur baby makes you and your family laugh

“Meet Maya our CATgaroo. She is fluffy and very friendly. She always make our family laugh because of her cute and sometimes weird poses. =)”
– Vanessa Candido

So… how do you love your fur baby back?

Love your fur baby by keeping her/him happy, healthy, and clean. This is one way to reciprocate the love and enjoy more cuddle time!

Here is where we can help you…

Call us on Jan. 3 – Jan. 7 2017 to enjoy 47% OFF on Pet Grooming!  

CALL Ms. Mylez @ 896-6386 / 896-2860 and schedule your 1st grooming session in January 2017 and enjoy 47% OFF on Pet Grooming 🙂


This offer is available to you when you call Ms. Mylez between Jan 3 – Jan 7 2017 ONLY.  Whether you want to schedule your first grooming session on the 1st week, 2nd week, or 4th week of January is up to you.  Just call us between Jan 3 – Jan 7 2017 to lock in your Pet grooming at 47% off!

Keeping your fur baby happy, healthy, and clean means more cuddle times and petting moments – One of the best ways to say I love you to the moon and back to your fur baby 🙂

P.S.  Now you ask:  “Doc Sixto, why 47% Off on my pet grooming on January?”

It’s Doc Sixto’s 47th birthday on Jan 1. It’s a tradition here at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital to give back to responsible pet owners like you.
So mark these dates and be sure to  call us on Jan. 3 – Jan. 7 2017 to enjoy 47% OFF on Pet Grooming!  

Is Your Pet Naughty and Nice? Big Announcement

Can you guess how many naughty and nice pets did we meet this December?
145 – Yes, you read it right!

That’s the number of pet owners who joined the merriest Naughty and Nice Pet Photo Contest that we did this December … and we are overjoyed with the number of entries!  
And now for the winners *drumroll pls!*
Winners All – Top 3 Naughty and Nice Pet Photo

Congratulations to:

Top 1

Top 2 

Top 3 

They all win the following:

3 months FREE Pet Grooming from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
3 months FREE Anti Flea and Tick Treatment from Bayer
1 bottle of Pet Tabs from Zoetis
Book of their choice in Amazon, shipping is from American Transporters

This is by far the biggest (and merriest!) contest with our community of dog and cat lovers!  Congratulations to all the winners and Merry Christmas to all the 145 responsible pet owners who generously shared their pet photos!

Do you want to be surrounded by 145 naughty and nice pets?  Feel the love, click and enjoy Naughty and Nice Pet Photos
Happy Holidays and give our warm hugs to your fur babies!

Doc Sixto will celebrate his 47th birthday on Jan 1. It’s a tradition here at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital to give back to the community of pet lovers.

Call us on Jan. 3 – Jan. 7 2017 to enjoy 47% OFF on Pet Grooming!  

CALL Ms. Mylez @ 896-6386 / 896-2860 and book your 1st grooming session in 2017 and enjoy 47% OFF on Pet Grooming 🙂
Happy Holidays and give our warm hugs to your fur babies!

You Found a Great Pet Boarding Facility. Now What?

You Found a Great Pet Boarding Facility. Now What?

Make a reservation well in advance. If you wait too long, the facility may become fully booked. Especially with the holiday season.

When you bring your dog in for boarding, remember her food, special instructions, and any other permitted items.

Do not bring items that you absolutely need to get back, as they could become lost or damaged. Bear in mind that many facilities limit personal items for this reason.

Make sure the boarding facility has contact numbers for you on your trip, plus local emergency contacts in case you cannot be reached.

Relax. You’ve done your research and your dog is in good hands. Enjoy your vacation!

Care For Your Pet While You Are Away!

Avail of the Pet Boarding Services at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Finding Ways To Reach Your Fur Baby Just Like Pia Wurtzbach

Finding Ways To Reach Your Fur Baby Just Like Pia Wurtzbach

Your pet’s health is our top priority!

We find ways to reach you.

If our in-house van, uber, grab, or public taxis are not available, we will find a way to reach you … just like what Ms. Universe Pia W— did when she reached out to a K9 dog during her very first homecoming to the Philippines

Just like Pia, our vets are first and foremost pet lovers and will find ways to reach you.

If we need to take the tricycle just to attend to your pet, we will

Have You Ever Wondered: What Is Cat Hairball?

Have You Ever Wondered: What Is Cat Hairball?

Cat hairball may seem pleasant to the ears but it is not. If you are a cat owner, then cleaning up after your cat’s gagging out hairballs will have to agree. It may even be disgusting to some.

It is common knowledge that cats groom themselves. While the cats do this, the loose and dead hairs are caught by their tongue. And these hairs are swallowed. Most hairs are passed through the digestive tract naturally. But some hairs stay in the stomach and that is where the hairballs are formed.

To get rid of the hairball, cats usually vomit it out. Most if not all hairballs do not look like a ball but rather tube-like cat’s hair.

Hairballs are more common with long-haired cats breeds such as Maine Coons and Persians.

Kittens do not have hairballs as it is their mommy cat who groom them.

Cats normally have up to two hairballs a year. If your cat has more then it is best to bring your cat to the vet.

You can lessen the cat hairballs by grooming your cat at least once a day. Consider this a bonding time your pet as well. If you have no time, bring your cat to the vet for grooming sessions. This way you are sure that hairballs are avoided.

Learn more about Dog Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Meet Chubby

Can I be a reindeer too?
– Chubby

Happy Thursday to all pet lovers out there!

Do you have a cute picture of your pet? Comment your photos on our Facebook Page and get featured on our page!

Shared to you by Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Thanks for sharing this @Yma Es, a great pet lover

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