All Posts by MakatiDogCat Hospital

Did You Yawn Too?

Did you yawn too? 🙂

Meet Pochoy
owned by Maan Santos

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From your favorite pet hospital, Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Happy Client: Jose Bayani Dichosa Baylon

Jose Bayani Dichosa Baylon says:
Now my dogs – I mean, babies – are sick. Cleo has a bad stomach and has a lump as well.
Thank God I am at the St. Luke’s for pets!

Here’s what happy customers of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are saying:

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**** Click to give a review here in FB
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Are you too busy to bring your pet to the vet?
Avail of our Home Pet Service Now!

Call us at 896-2860 today and look for Ms. Mylez to set an appointment!
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Meet Atticus

Pose like this?
Meet Atticus

Happy Thursday to all pet lovers out there!

Do you have a cute picture of your pet? Comment your photos on our Facebook Page and get featured on our page!

Shared to you by Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Thanks for sharing this Penny Lane, a loving cat mom

Pet Holiday Guidelines: How To Keep Your Pets Safe During The Holidays

Pet Holiday Guidelines: How To Keep Your Pets Safe During The Holidays

Christmas Decorations
Secure your Christmas tree so it would not tip over. Cats are notorious for climbing the trees and making a big mess after the tree fell. And your cat may get hurt in the process.

It is highly recommended to place a guard around it. Because even if your dog is well-trained enough not to topple the tree over, a wagging tail will already do a lot of damage.

Christmas Plants
More people are buying the poinsettia plants. But do you know that these plants are poisonous to your pets?

If you do have them keep them away from your furbabies.

Christmas Gifts
The ribbons and wrapping paper may seem so harmless but they can pose a danger to your pets. Cats may play with the ribbons while the gifts are sitting under the tree. Or dogs may drag them around as they may think it’s a nice thing to play with.

You can skip the ribbon from your gifts this year. What’s more important is what is inside.

Christmas Treats
Now you may think that you can also give more treats to your pets as it is the Christmas season. If you cannot resist, give healthy treats.

Please do not give bones, chocolates and anything sweetened with xylitol. Make sure that only you or the usual feeders will give food to your pet.

And if your friends or family members want to give your pet a treat, tell them the best treat is to give your pet a walk or exercise.

Learn more about the Pet Holiday Guidelines at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Going away for the holidays? Leave your pets with us! Makati Dog and Cat Hospital offers pet boarding services to you and your pet! Have peace of mind while you enjoy the holidays far away!

Call Ms. Mylez to book your pet for the holidays at 896-2860 today!

Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Happy Client: Chesca Sarmiento

They excise and do blood transfusions for dogs and cats. They saved my chihuahua.
– Chesca Sarmiento
Here’s what happy customers of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are saying:

Happy with us?  If YES, may I ask you to write us a short review:
**** Click to give a review here in FB
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

No one is available to bring your pet to the vet?
Avail of our Home Pet Service Now!

Call us at 896-2860 today and look for Ms. Mylez to set an appointment!
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Top 5 Things You Should Know About Cat Food for Mother Cat and Her Kittens

Top 5 Things You Should Know About Cat Food for Mother Cat and Her Kittens

Your family celebrates the addition in the family.
On her bed is Amidala with her 3 new kittens by her side.
Amidala, you favorite Persian Cat, is now a mom to 3 kittens happily enjoying bottomless supply of milk from their mom.
Now, that you have new members of the family, here are the 5 things that you should know when feeding your growing family of fur babies.

the Top 5 Things You Should Know About Cat Food for Mother Cat and Her Kittens

#1 – How she  builds her milk supply
During the 2 months of her pregnancy, the mother cat starts building up her milk supply for the period of lactation. When her kittens arrive, she will produce up to 250ml of milk per day – so she needs a very high energy food!

#2 – Nutrition that she needs on her cat food during lactation
To support her during lactation, the mother cat needs cat food  with high fat, protein and mineral contents.
On the other hand, the nutritional needs of her kittens start to increase as maternal milk production declines, prior to weaning.
Kittens start showing interest to solid food from the age of 2-3 weeks (when the kitten’s milk teeth appear), while complete weaning won’t be completed until at least 2 months of age when the kittens’ milk teeth also appear.

#3 – Kittens grow super fast on their first few weeks
Your cute cuddly kittens will grow very fast in their first few weeks.  Think of it this way,  their birth weight multiplies by a factor of 8 in just 8 weeks!
Growth then slows down for a period of consolidation.

#4 – Best cat food during intense growth of your kittens
Up until 4 months, the kitten’s digestive system progressively adapts from digesting milk to starch. During this transitional period the kitten has very high nutritional demands: food must be rich in protein with adapted levels of vitamins and minerals.

#5 – Sustain their growth with the right cat food
Kittens undergo a consolidation phase, usually up to 12 months old.
During this stage, your young cat’s muscles and bones are developing, but her digestive system remains immature. Her adult teeth will come through from around 4 months.
While at this phase, her food can be less soft, and must reinforce the natural defences.
Sterilisation can be performed between 3 and 6 months of age. Sterilisation has an impact on nutritional requirements, and a specific diet is recommended for neutered cats from 6 months of age.

Now, that you know these Top 5 things, what should be your next steps?

Well, for one, you can be more conscious is choosing the right cat food for your mother cat and her kittens as you learned that they have specific nutritional needs.   
Second, you’ll have second thoughts about giving the same quality of food to your kittens and to your more active cats. Now you know that not all cat food are created equal.
Third, start to be on the lookout for cat food brands that provide the answer to your cat’s nutritional needs.
You’re in luck as here in the Philippines, we have one cat food brand that does that.

The next time you go on pet food shopping, check out Royal Canin, specifically the package with pink color code 🙂  This line of cat food is designed specifically for the mother cat and her kittens.

Hugs to your growing family of kittens!

How Many Puppies Do You See?

How many puppies do you see?

Meet Newborn Puppies!
owned by Jomerlyn Botalan Temena

Like to Say Hi to Our Featured Pets & Owner of the Week!

Do you have a cute picture of your pet? Comment your photos on our Facebook Page and get featured on our page!

From your favorite pet hospital, Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Why Do Dogs Fart?

Why Do Dogs Fart?

Do you know that dogs fart too? Now you know. Dogs can fart too. There are several reasons that this could happen.

Eating Too Fast
When you have more than one dog, the dogs may eat in competition. This will make them eat too quickly and thus can ingest air. Feed them separately and split their food into smaller meals.

Swallowing Of Air
Snub-nosed dogs such as the bulldog, boxer or staffy are mouth breathers. This could result into swallowing excessive amounts of air. It is recommended for these types of dog to avoid getting overweight to lessen excessive snoring and panting.

Presence Of Parasites
When parasites are present in your dog, this can cause intestinal problems as well as secondary flatulence. It is essential for your dog to have regular intestinal worming.

Breakdown of Plant Fibers
Dogs cannot directly digest plant fibers. The intestinal bacteria breaks down the plant fibers and causes gas. This process is healthy for the dogs as they are able to get nutrients for their well being.

Dog farting is pretty much normal for any dog. But if you notice more than usual passing of gas, then take your dog to the vet.

Keep in mind that your vet will probably ask lots of questions about your dog’s poo and may even ask for a sample.

Now you know why dogs fart.

Learn more about Dog Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Call Ms. Mylez to schedule your Deworming Vaccination at 896-2860 today!

Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Oopy: Real Bone Please

I want a real dog bone please.
– Oopy

Happy Thursday to all pet lovers out there!

Do you have a cute picture of your pet? Comment your photos on our Facebook Page and get featured on our page!

Shared to you by Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Thanks for sharing this @Michelle Del Mundo, an awesome pet lover

Signs To Look for: Are You Giving The Right Cat Food?

Signs To Look for: Are You Giving The Right Cat Food?

On your way to the office, you take time to cuddle Leia, a cute Ragdoll cat that was given to you as a gift.
To make sure Leia does not get hungry while you are in the office, you leave a yummy cat food in her bowl, just near her water bowl.
Upon returning from the office, you notice a half-consumed cat food in Leia’s bowl.  
Now, this has been going for 3 days already.  Leia is not finishing off her cat food.  
You check on her for any signs of illness, there’s none.  But there’s less energy in her movement, she’s getting sluggish and slow.
Now you ask the question in every pet mom’s mind when faced with the same situation…

Why Is Your Fur Baby Ignoring Her Cat Food?

According to Royal Canin, there could be many factors why your cat is not eating her cat food.  But the most important question to ask is this:  Are you giving the right cat food to your cat?
The right cat food depends on some factors.
For example, is your cat an indoor or outdoor animal? Has your cat been spayed or neutered? Both affect your cat’s dietary requirements.
Your best bet is to seek advice from your vet, who will determine your cat’s ideal weight and right amount and quality of cat food.
But you see other pet owners feeding their cats with leftover food, is this the right thing to do?

What Happens If You Are Not Giving the Right Cat Food?
Cats can be picky eaters and if they dislike their food, they can go on hunger strikes. A cat that won’t eat can suffer from liver failure and get fatally ill.
On the other hand, you can be giving too much food to your fur baby that she becomes overweight.  Most of our pet cats live sedentary lives, hence, their nutrition needs are much lower, so it’s easy to overfeed them.  For cats, it’s hard to get the weight off once they get overweight.

Choose the Right Cat Food For Your Cat
When choosing food for your fur baby, consider reliable cat food brands that take time to do serious research on feline health nutrition, just like Royal Canin.  What makes it distinct from other brands is it’s 50 years of cat food research.
As a result of this, you will be assured that you are feeding the right food that is appropriate to your cat’s age, lifestyle and nutritional needs.  Your cat food is science-based.
Royal Canin’s cat formulas combine over 50 different nutrients such as:

  • Carbohydrates (sugars, starches, some fibres) to support body function
  • Lipids (fats) to transmit energy throughout the body and provide beneficial elements for many metabolical functions
  • Proteins (consisting of amino acids) to help build and renew the tissues, muscles and skeleton
  • Minerals to encourage good bone development, and help protect the nervous system and skin health
  • Vitamins to help protect physical vitality

So, go ahead. Be the loving pet mom that you are to your cat.
Provide a loving home for her.
Make sure she has her scratching posts and toys.
More importantly, give her the right cat food.

Give her all these and you’ll be welcomed by a happy and cuddly kitty when you arrive home.

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