All Posts by MakatiDogCat Hospital

Happy Client: Jocelyn Stromsnes

Highly competent vets and staff! Their service is reliable, thorough and efficient and they are such nice people to speak with. Thank you so much!
– Jocelyn Stromsnes, Happy Pet Mom

Here’s what happy customers of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are saying:

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Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Are you too busy to bring your pet to the vet?
Avail of our Home Pet Service Now!

Call us at 896-2860 today and look for Ms. Mylez to set an appointment!
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

5 Things You Need To Know About Dr. Enrique Carlos

Hi Responsible Pet Parent,

It’s the birthday of Dr. Enrique Carlos Jr. and he’s giving away a birthday treat!

But before that, you might be asking who is Dr. Enrique Carlos Jr.?

5 Things You Need To Know About Dr. Enrique Carlos

  1. Dr. Carlos is the Founder of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital.  He established the Makati Dog and Cat Hospital in 1962.
  2. He is also the very first President of the Veterinary Practitioners Association of the Philippines.
  3. This year, he was honored as one of the 2016 Distinguished Alumni of the University of the Philippines Alumni Association (UPAA).
  4. Here’s what Dr. Louie Garcia Cabaluna, an expert veterinarian in the US, has to say about Dr. Carlos:   “I admired him as a dedicated veterinarian and a mentor and which I owe him my success as a person and a practitioner” Like Dr. Cabaluna, I’m honored to learn from our distinguished founder and expert veterinarian.  More importantly, I’m grateful to have him as my mentor and Dad  🙂
  1. On June 11, we will celebrate his 74th birthday!

… Which brings us to this surprise birthday treat!

Surprise Birthday Treat For You And Your Fur Baby

Dr. Carlos is celebrating his 74th birthday and he has a birthday treat for you and your fur baby:

Enjoy 74% OFF on Pet Grooming Services

From June 1- 11, 2016

To enjoy this birthday treat, all you have to do is:

  1. Call Makati Dog and Cat Hospital @ 896-6386 / 896-2860. Look for Ms. Mylez
  1. Book your appointment and visit us on your scheduled date

This birthday treat is from June 1-11 ONLY. Call us NOW: 896-6386 / 896-2860

Hope to see you and your fur baby soon!

Enjoy peace of mind while caring for your pets,

Dr. Sixto Carlos
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Note: This Promo Has Ended Already. Watch Out For The Next Promo!

Happy Client: Meg Ramos

Meg Ramos says:
I would like to thank Dr. Zaldy and his staff for taking good care of my cat – Iring.
The people are very accommodating and understanding.
It’s been a week since I brought my cat to them, and she’s a lot better now.

Here’s what happy customers of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are saying:

Happy with us?  If YES, may I ask you to write us a short review:
**** Click to give a review here in FB
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Are you going on a business trip?
Avail of our Pet Boarding Now!

Call us at 896-2860 today and look for Ms. Mylez to set an appointment!
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Happy Client: Doreen Rivera Azuelo

Doreen Rivera Azuelo says:
The doctors are very efficient, reliable and easy to talk to. The whole place is homey and not intimidating at all. The women at the reception area are friendly too. Thank you so much for taking care of my JM. You’re the best!

Here’s what happy customers of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital are saying:

Happy with us?  If YES, may I ask you to write us a short review:
**** Click to give a review here in FB
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

Are you having a vacation soon?
Avail of our Pet Boarding Now!

Call us at 896-2860 today and look for Ms. Mylez to set an appointment!
Give the best care for your pet at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital!

How Do You Get Rid Of Ticks On Your Dog

flea tick philippinesTicks are bad news: They transmit several diseases that can cause severe illness and even death in both dogs and humans, so keeping your dog tick-free is a top priority.

To remove a tick, follow these steps:

  1. Use a pair of tweezers to grasp the head of the tick where it attaches to the skin.
  2. Wear gloves if you plan to use your fingers to remove the tick.
  3. Pull on the tick gently and steadily. If you yank the tick away from your dog too quickly, you’ll leave part of the tick’s mouth behind, which can cause an infection.
  4. In about 20 to 30 seconds, the tick’s mouth will release its grasp and the tick will come away cleanly.
  5. Dab some disinfectant on your dog on the bitten area, being extremely careful if you’re around your dog’s eyes.
  6. Kill the tick by placing it in alcohol.
  7. Save the dead tick in a resealable plastic bag, labeled with the date on which the tick was found.
  8. This may sound weird, but if your dog becomes ill, you may need to identify the species of tick that bit him.

Never remove a tick with your bare hands, and never crush a tick between your fingers. If you do, you put yourself at risk of contracting Lyme disease or one of the other tick-borne diseases.

If your dog becomes ill and you recently found a tick on him, seek veterinary attention immediately. Most tick-borne diseases can be treated successfully if a diagnosis is made immediately and appropriate treatment initiated. If the tick-borne organisms are allowed to gain a foothold, however, these bad bugs can cause serious illness or even death.

Keep Your Pets Safe From Ticks!

A Friendly Reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

Why Does Your Cat Lick You?

Your cat probably licks you in attempt to groom you! Yes, believe it or not, cats probably lick you for the same reason that they lick themselves! So, if your cat is ever licking you, maybe it’s time for a shower!

Cats may also lick you if your skin smells like food. In this case, be careful — the next lick may end up being a bite!

Cat owners also believe that when a cat licks, they are actually kissing you. Licking can be a way for your cat to show you affection. When your cat licks you, they are saying that they love you!

Cats can also lick you in attempt to get you to move out of the way. If you are sitting on the couch and your cat licks your arm, they may actually want you to move your arm out of the way so they can sit beside you.

Cats lick for many reasons!

Get to know more about your cat’s behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


How Do You Stop Your Dog From Drinking From The Toilet?

You don’t have to put up with potty drinking for long — you just have to modify your behavior first.

  1. Leave the toilet lid down. This is one of those duh things that some people don’t do because it’s just so easy to forget. If the toilet water is inaccessible, then your dog can’t drink it. Of course, there are always those crafty canines that somehow manage to lift up the toilet lid anyway, which brings us to No. 2 on the list.
  1. Close the bathroom door. If leaving the toilet lid down doesn’t deter your dog from drinking from the toilet, then close the bathroom door. This gives you the added bonus of keeping your dog out of the bathroom altogether and away from potentially poisonous or harmful chemicals, medicines and toiletries.
  1. Keep your dog’s water bowl filled. Make sure your dog always has easy access to fresh, clean water. A dog who turns up his nose at water that has been sitting stagnant for days (or even hours) will probably go in search of a fresher alternative (read: the toilet). Also, a dog who is a big drinker might finish his water before his thirst is quenched, so be on the lookout for an empty  water bowl, and fill it accordingly.
  1. Try a gadget or gizmo. If all else fails and your dog still craves a taste of the toilet, there are products available that might help, including automatic water bowls and fountains that keep the water circulating and fresh. You could also try installing a toilet-seat lid locks, which will let you easily use the toilet but fasten shut when not in use.

Know More About Your Dog’s Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Cat Bite You When You Pet It?

It’s a conundrum, for sure. One minute your beloved kitty is over the moon with pleasure as you scratch her favorite spot and the next thing you know you’re left staring at tooth marks on your arm.

You’re not the only one suffering. Many pet owners call this common behavior “Love biting,” but feline behaviorists have given it a more formal name: Petting-induced aggression—and it’s a poorly understood topic.

Typically, a friendly cat seeks out human attention, only to turn on his lavisher of attention once the affection seems to have gone on for too long. Owners describe these cats as changing from friendly to feral “like a light switch.”

Despite the perplexing nature of this uniquely feline way of acting out, a couple of possibilities have been proposed to explain why cats might do this:

  1. It may be a manifestation of so-called status-induced aggression, in which cats seek to control a situation.
  2. There may be some neurologically significant negative stimulus associated with being petted at length that affects these cats in particular.
  3. These cats may be especially subtle at letting humans know when they’re unhappy, so that their change in attitude appears more sudden than it truly is.

Whatever the cause, the good news is that this behavior does not necessarily mean you can’t interact with your cat meaningfully. Your veterinarian can coach you to recognize the very subtle warning signs associated with your cat’s displeasure before it reaches the biting point.

Get to know more about your cat’s behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Dog Drink From The Toilet?

You hear that familiar slurp-slurp-slurp of your dog drinking water … except it’s not coming from the direction of your dog’s water bowl. Instinctively, you head toward the bathroom, peek inside and yes, that’s right: there is your dog happily lapping up water from the toilet like you purposely left it open for him as a treat.

Sigh. Life with dogs.

Sure, drinking from the toilet is kind of amusing. (Come on! He’s drinking from the toilet!) And yes, it’s really disgusting. (Come on. He’s drinking from the toilet.) So why do dogs do this peculiar behavior?

Two words: fresh water. Ignore, for a moment, the pesky detail that this supposedly “fresh” water is coming from a place where humans — well, you know. To your dog, a toilet is a convenient place where fresh, cool water is abundant and readily available. That bowl of water you just put out for your dog? Stagnant and old, according to your dog. When you think about it, it’s actually kind of smart to choose the seemingly fresher choice in the large porcelain bowl over the one in the small bowl that’s been sitting there who knows how long.

Another reason a dog might drink from the toilet: He finished the water in his water bowl, he’s still thirsty, and he’s in search of another source of water. Thirsty dog, meet toilet bowl.

Bacterial-related gastrointestinal problems could occur from drinking stagnant toilet water, so it is a good idea to discourage your dog. Toilet water could also be filled with household-cleaner chemicals and other junk you don’t want your dog drinking, especially if you just cleaned the toilet, or if you use drop-in toilet bowl cleaning tablets.

Thankfully, if your dog drinks from a toilet that contains drop-in cleaners, it’s not likely to be a problem beyond stomach upset, assuming that you followed the cleaner label’s directions.

Know More About Your Dog’s Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Cat Eat Plants?

Your cat is a carnivore, so why is he eating your plants? Plant eating is a normal cat behavior, but almost every pet owner is annoyed by it.

In the wild, cats probably eat plants as a source of fiber. In most cases, owners must either accept the behavior, remove the plants from the home, or try to redirect the behavior to a different source (such as cat grass).

However, if the plant in your home is poisonous, you must remove the plant from your home or place it in a location where the cannot cannot chew it. If your cat has eaten a poisonous plant, you should take him to see a veterinarian. Toxic plants can cause some serious health issues for your cat!

Is your cat eating his food? If your cat does not like his food, he may be eating your plants as a food source.

Cats eat plants because the plant either tastes good, or feels good on their mouth while they are eating it. Some plants, like catnip, also produce a pleasurable effect. Cats don’t know which plants are safe plants and which plants are hazardous plants.

How can you stop your cat from eating plants?

Training your cat to stop eating your plants is very difficult. Most likely, you will end up getting rid of your plants, or choosing safe plants and accepting the ‘chewed up’ appearance of your plant!

However, if you’d like to keep your plants, here’s some things that you can try:

  • Place your plants in cat-proof places, or places that are difficult for your cat to access
  • Provide your cat with cat grass in order to redirect the issue to an appropriate plant
  • Place mothballs to the plant’s soil
  • Spray the plant a scent or product that will keep your cat away from the plant
  • Attempt to train your cat that he cannot chew the plant (use a water squirter or air horn when your cat bites the plant)

What should you do if your cat eats a plant?

If your cat eats a plant, you should contact your veterinarian.  If your cat has eaten a poisonous plant, your cat needs to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.  You should also bring the plant with you when you go to see the veterinarian so they can determine the type of plant.  Different plants can affect cats in different ways.  Some plants may simply cause your cat to have an upset stomach and diarrhea, while other plants can be toxic and sometimes fatal to cats.

Get to know more about your cat’s behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


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