All Posts by MakatiDogCat Hospital

Pet Boarding: Keeping Your Pet Safe While You Travel

pet boarding makati

Pet owners or Pet Parents as they are called nowadays would like nothing more than to spend quality time with their pets in a safe and relaxing environment such as their home.

However, there are times that they would either need to bring their pets with them when they travel or even leave their pets in the care of others until they get back.

This is a common dilemma that pet owners occasionally face but thankfully they have options to consider when choosing the right Pet Boarding Places for their beloved fur babies.

The first boarding option for you to consider for your pet is your friend or relative’s place.

The reason I’ve chosen a friend or relative’s place as a temporary boarding place for your pets are the following:

– Filipinos have close strong friendship and family ties and would most likely be more than happy to help you out than to turn you away*

– Most Filipinos have relatives that live relatively close or in a nearby province that makes it easy to travel to

Some things to consider when boarding your pet at your friend or relative’s place

– Make sure that your friend or relative has enough space to accommodate your pet.

– If your friend or relatives have pets of their own consider how your own pet (s) can get along with them.

– If your friend or relatives have children or elderly among them consider how to secure your pet so as not to cause undue inconvenience to them or your pet

– Make sure that members of your friend or relative’s family are not allergic to your pet

– Consider if the location of your friend or relative’s place has access to resources (pet food) or services (vet clinic) while you’re staying there.

– Please remember to bring items for your pet such as pet food, toys , etc. and leave some cash to spend for your pet so as not to drain your friend or relative’s own resources

As much as you may be staying with a relative that is very accommodating to you and your pet please inform them the estimated length of stay of your pet at their place so as not to be too imposing.

For those times that you would be travelling with your pet you may have the option of staying at a hotel that has pet friendly policies and accommodations.

Although this may turn out to be the more expensive option to choose this is for those of you who can’t find a nearby pet boarding facility or a nearby friend or relative to stay with.

The first thing to consider is to find a hotel that allows their guests to bring their pets to stay with them. If you don’t have a place in mind you can use this website, , to look for hotels in your area that allows guests to bring their pets with them.

For those that are based here in the city choose or input the word “Manila” in the Hotel Search box at the left hand side of the website. Then refine your search by moving down that same side until you see the Filter Results column. Below that, look for the Sub-heading “Hotel Preferences” and click the box beside the term Pets-Allowed. Then move back up to the Hotel Search box and click the button titled “Search for Hotels”

You can also try this link for other Pet Friendly hotels in the city

For those not based in Manila or will be travelling to another location just go through the same process as before just change the area near your vicinity or the area you will be travelling to. This will give you a list of hotels that allow guests to bring their pets.

Just make sure you read the hotel’s policies on what kind of pets you can bring with you and other limitations set by the hotel’s management.

Finally, your last but best option to finding a boarding place for your pet is your friendly Veterinarian’s Clinic.

The great thing about this option is that this is a very cost-effective way for pet owners to be assured that their pets will be cared for, properly fed, have access to medical facilities if needed, and be as safe as possible until you come home.

Although your pet may have everything they could possibly want or need make sure that some items such as a favorite toy or sleeping basket, can be given to the clinic’s staff to help your pet ride out the prolonged separation from you.

For those of you in the living in the Makati area you may contact the Makati Dog and Cat Hospital and inquire about the board and lodging services. Their contact details are 896-6386 (landline) and +63 908-896-7113 (Mobile). Their location is Gen. Luna corner Algier St., Poblacion, Makati City.

Makati Dog and Cat Hospital delivers professional and courteous boarding services for your pets and even offers “pet-suite” accommodations for their clients.

The friendly and accommodating staff of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital can also assist you in the travel documents that you need to prepare when travelling with your pet going towards your destination country as well as when coming into the Philippines.

With these options to choose from Pet owners no longer need to worry about looking for a good place to board their pets when they need to travel with them or leave them in the care of others while they are gone.

The choices in this article should give pet owners that added reassurance that their pets will be well cared for and safe the next time they make their travel plans I hope this was helpful for you.

Should you have any questions orconcerns I would love to hear from you. Please contact me at and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I can.

Thanks and Stay Safe.

Benedict “Dinky” de Borja has been a volunteer Firefighter + Medic for the Pateros Filipino-Chinese Volunteer Fire and Rescue Brigade for the last 5 years. He helps Dr. Sixto Carlos on topics such as Emergency and Disaster Preparedness, as well as First Aid.

*The Filipino culture makes it easy for us to bond and make friends with people from other countries. In times of need Filipinos will treat foreigners as part of their extended family and will gladly help them out if needed.

Enjoy peace of mind,

Dr. Sixto Carlos
Pet Happiness Expert
Makati Dog and Cat Hospital
Serving Pet Parents near Mandaluyong, Makati, and BGC

“The St. Luke’s of Pet Hospitals” – from a Happy Client

Home Alone!

Leaving your pets at home while you’re at work or school can be such a difficult task for both you and your pet. You’ll spend the whole day worrying if your pet peed on the carpet or if they’re eating their food.

Here are eight tips that you can follow when leaving your pet at home.

1. Make sure your pet is comfortable in their safe zone. This is where your pet feel the safest and most comfortable inside the house. Make sure to put all his favourite toys and blanket there and to leave some treats.

2. They’ll be spending a lot of time on their beds while waiting for you that is why you should make sure that they have the best and most comfortable bed.

3. Clean water is also a must when leaving your pets alone. It is the utmost important thing to do. Not only there should be water available for your pets, it should also be clean and fresh.

4. You should also consider leaving them food-dispensing toys to keep them preoccupied during the day. It will also distract them from thinking of when you’re returning from work.

5. TOYS! Provide chew toys for your pets to keep your pets entertained and to help maintain their gums and teeth healthy.

6. Consider leaving some classic music on for them too before leaving for work. This helps them relax and calm their nerves while your out.

7. Pet monitoring cameras can help you track what they’re doing while you’re not at home.

8. And lastly, if you still feel a little uncertain about leaving your dog, you can hire a petsitter or a dog walker to keep your dogs company or to take them out for a walk. Make sure to get the most trustworthy petsitter for your lovely pets.

by: Yza Angela E. Turingan St. Paul University Manila

Why Do Dogs Hump?

One thing that makes dogs wonderful is their lack of shame and inhibitions, such free spirits they are. These are traits you likely admire and may even celebrate in your dog; that is, until these traits lead him to look amorously at the leg of a dinner party guest, go to town on your child’s favorite toy, or start a love affair with a couch pillow.

But while this topic may cause a laugh or a snicker, it can be a real problem for owners, causing embarrassment and affecting your dog’s social life.


Why Dogs Do It:

Humping means different things to different dogs, and although it’s often done with other dogs, they can hump any kind of object (or person) at all. While it’s often a normal part of play behavior, especially for puppies, it can also be intended for sexual purposes or even dominance.

Most people don’t realize that this behavior isn’t limited to intact male dogs. Because humping is not always stem from sexual desire, female dogs and neutered/spayed dogs may still hump.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Humping?

If your dog starts humping for no apparent reason, take him to your veterinarian, as any dramatic behavioral change warrants a vet checkup

If you have an intact dog, consider neutering/spaying. Although neutering doesn’t always stop a dog from mounting, it does reduce his sexual motivation.

Unless you’re dealing with puppies at play, curtail this behavior as quickly as you can. Rather than correcting your pup for humping, though, which could draw attention to the behavior and lead your pup to do it more, redirect his attention with an Off command. And then another command like Sit or Down. The same guidelines apply if your dog is humping something other than another dog.

Learn more about dog behavior only here at Makati Dog and Cat Hsospital


Why Does Your Cat Make You Sneeze?

Your cat may be making you sneeze because you may be allergic to your cat. Don’t worry, approximately 1/3 of people who are allergic to cats live with cats in their home. You can keep your cat!


What is a cat allergy?

Cat allergy is caused by a type of protein present in the dander (skin flakes — yuck) and saliva of cats. The allergens are airborne and are then inhaled by humans through the nose and lungs. After inhaling the allergens people react and experience a variety of symptoms.

What are the symptoms of cat allergies?

Cat allergy symptoms can include sneezing, runny nose, sinus congestion, rash, hives, itchy eyes, shortness of breath and even wheezing. If you are experience any of these symptoms, see your doctor to verify whether or not you have a cat allergy. There are allergy medications that doctors can recommend or prescribe for people who suffer from allergies.

How can I reduce cat allergies?

Unfortunately, you probably cannot stop cat allergies or cure cat allergies.  However, if you are allergic to your cat, there are numerous cat allergy solutions that you can try to reduce allergy symptoms:

  • Keep your cat out of your bedroom: This will give you about 8 hours/day that you can be in an environment without your cat. This is perhaps the best thing that you can do to relieve cat allergies.
  • Wash your sheets at least once/week: Let’s face it — your furry little friend will probably be allowed in the bedroom sometimes!
  • Brush your cat: Brushing your cat will loosen the loose fur so you can throw it in the garbage rather than have the fur flying around your house. There are special brushes that you can buy that pull away the loose fur. These brushes are usually called de-shedding tools. This is a great way to reduce your allergies since you are mainly allergic to the cat’s saliva (which is all over their fur from their grooming!)
  • Vacuum frequently: Vacuuming is helpful because it removes the cats hair from your house. This is especially important if you have carpet because the hair gets caught in the carpet. If you don’t have carpet, sweep frequently. Static sweepers work great at collecting cat hair!
  • Bathe your cat: OK, so this usually isn’t a realistic suggestion because most cats hate water. However, there are some anti-allergy products on the market that don’t require that you give your cat a full bath. Instead, you can wet a cloth and simply pet your cat with the wet cloth. The product will apparently neutralize the allergens!


Why Does Your Dog Have Whiskers?

A dog’s whiskers or vibrissae function as sensory feelers. They’re located not just on the muzzle, but on the chin and above each eye, and are some of the first hairs to grow in puppies. Each is embedded about three times the depth of a normal hair, and has a rich nerve supply. They’re similar to human eyelashes that can cause the eye to shut on reflex.

Try this with your dog: Touch his vibrissae on one cheek, and watch his eye on that side blink. It’s as though he had an extra set of eyelashes to warn him something’s coming at his eye.

Each vibrissae can be mapped to a specific location in the dog’s brain, suggesting they really do impart localized information.  They also seem to help dogs detect objects in dim light; they are so sensitive they can detect air currents bouncing off a wall, for example.

Dogs without vibrissae appear to be more hesitant in dim light compared to dogs with intact vibrissae.

Dogs probably rely on their vibrissae less than do cats or rats, but they wouldn’t have them if they weren’t important. Tell your groomer to leave them on. And don’t think you have to cut them off to win in the show ring. I’ve never met a judge who says they notice whether they’re there or not.

Learn More About Dogs Here At Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Cat Smell Bad?

Some cats seem to smell bad, and others do not.

Some cats dig around in the litter more than others — an obvious reason why your cat may smell bad

If your cat is not grooming himself often, he may smell worse than if he did groom himself. If your cat’s breath is bad, grooming may have the opposite effect. He could simply be spreading his bad breath all over his fur.  

Some owners consider bathing their cats if they smell really bad.  However, most cats don’t like having a bath.  If bathing your cat is not an option, you could consider a variety of waterless bathing products.

If your cat continues to smell bad, it is bet if you bring your pet to the veterinarian.

Learn More About Your Cats With Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Do Dogs Dream?

You’ve probably caught your dog whining or running in his sleep at one time or another. Don’t feel like you have to poke hime or wake him up – chances are good that he’s dreaming.

Dogs definitely remember things, so it makes sense to believe they have the ability to dream, just as people do. After all, dreaming is a normal part of organizing and reorganizing memories.

Like humans, dogs have two kinds of sleep. the deeper kind is characterized by rapid eye movements, so it’s known as REM sleep. We know humans dream during REM sleep. We also know the whining, heavy breathing, twitching and leg movements we’ve all seen in our dogs occurs during canine REM sleep. So it’s not far-fetched to believe dogs are dreaming, too.

We may never know for sure exactly what they’re dreaming of, but any guess that involves food is a good one.

Know more about Your Dog’s Behavior  at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Cat’s Tail Get Big And Puffy?

When a cat’s tail gets big and puffy, it usually means that your cat is being either aggressive or defensive, such as a cat fight. Your cat’s tail gets big and puffy to make himself look bigger. Cats do this so they appear to be larger and scarier than they actually are!

Basically, the fur all stands up, making the tail look 2-3 times thicker than it actually is. The fur on your cat’s back will probably stand up as well, making it look like your cat has a mohawk!

You’re probably thinking, why would your cat want to look larger and scarier? Well, if your cat is being aggressive, they may wish to scare another cat by appearing to be larger.

Or, if your cat is being defensive, your cat may use this tactic as a defense mechanism.

Kittens often puff up their tail when they are playing Adult cats will do this too sometimes, either when they are playing or if they get spooked!

Cats will often turn their bodies sideways when they puff up their tails. They do this for the same reason – to appear larger!

Humans generally find this very funny and do not feel that their cat looks scarier whatsoever!

Learn more about Your Cat’s Behavior from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Dog Curl Up In A Ball Before He Sleeps?

It’s nightime and your pup nestles snuggly in his bed, rolled up tight like a drum. It’s a common slumber position for dogs, but why? Wouldn’t it be more comfortable to stretch out while catching some shut-eye?

Well, yes, but there are two valid reasons why your canine rolls up in a ball to snooze – and they both relate to evolution.

Keeping Cozy

When dogs sleep in the wild, especially where it’s cold, they’ll dig a nest and curl up into it. This gives them warmth – tucking into a ball conserves body heat. It also protects their most vulnerable organs in the abdomen from would-be predators.

So if your pooch sprawls out to nap – instead of curling up – he’s either hot or he feels very safe in his environment.

Creating Security

If a dog is in unfamiliar territory, he will revert back to the instinct-based, curled-up sleep position.

For this reason, whenever you bring a new pup home, you’ll want to give him enough space accimilate to his foreign surroundings.

Another tip is to consider getting him a blanket. “This way, he can ‘dig’ a nest with the bedding material before he lies down instead of digging a place to nowhere on your carpet or couch.


Know More About Your Dog’s Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Why Does Your Cat Climb The Screen Door?

Cats are impressive climbers.  In general, cats like to climb on top of things or inside of things.

Cats climb by using their claws on all four of their paws.  They pull themselves upwards by digging their claws into the surface.  

Because cats require claws to climb things, declawed cats are not very good climbers.  Most (if not all) cats should be kept indoors, especially declawed cats.  Declawed cats cannot easily climb things (such as trees) in order to get away from predators.


Learn More About Your Cat’s Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

