All Posts by MakatiDogCat Hospital

San Roque – Patron Saint of Dogs

My mom has been working at the hospital for more than 20 years now and every time I visited the hospital when I was young, I used to wonder about the sculpture that has been there for a very long time now. I’ve come to know about San Roque just now, as I type this article. Some of you may or may not be familiar with the Patron Saint of Animals that is why I am here to give you some background about him.

San Roque is often represented in statue form in Catholic churches as someone holding a walking stick in his left hand, and his right hand pointing to a wound on one of his knees, with a dog sitting beside him.

Accounts of his exact Birthdate and/ or place, and details about his childhood have various statements on them.

His parents died when he was twenty, San Roque gave all his properties to the poor and went on a journey to Rome. In Italy, he attended to those who were sick when it was hit by plagues. Because of his frequent contact with his patients, San Roque got sick himself.

He was driven out of town for fear that he might spread the disease. He was forced to live in the forest and would not survive if it weren’t for the dog who kept on bringing him food and licking his wounds, healing them after some time.

He returned home to Montpellier , where he got arrested for being accused as a spy. San Roque died in prison on the 16th of August, year 1327.

Because of his story, the church named him patron of Dogs, Plague, Pestilence and AIDS.


by: Yza Angela E. Turingan St. Paul University Manila

Why Does Your Dog Dig?

Digging is so much fun! No wonder your dog has a hard time understanding why you’re so steamed she just tore up your plants.

Even if you aren’t fed up with the many holes that make your yard look like a moth-eaten sweater, you might still want to know why your pup digs.

Here are the most common reasons.

It’s fun. Digging is what dog paws were designed for, which is why nature devised a simple scheme for ensuring dogs would be great at this behavior: Make them love it!

It relieves boredom (and sometimes stress). If you had at least two able paws, lots of energy, and time to kill, wouldn’t you dig, too? Digging gives a dog something to do, but it could also be a sign of stress, which is exacerbated by inadequate exercise or mental stimulation.

It’s how a dog makes a den. Consider it canine DIY: She’s building her own home. It’s great to have a place to hunker down when it’s cold (which is why cold-weather breeds are predisposed to digging), but dogs also build dens for safety (mostly when whelping their pups).

It’s a way to get to prey. Got voles or moles or other such vermin? If so, and you’ve got a Terrier breed and a yard, you’re likely to have holes all over the place. In fact, your yard may look a lot like Swiss cheese.

It’s how she can get under (and out). A dog looking to catch prey, find a mate, fill a belly, or simply enjoy a night on the town will sometimes dig an escape route.

Sometimes the reasons overlap, as when a bored, stressed Husky threatens to unearth a septic tank or when the occasional Parson’s Terrier attempts to burrow vole holes right into the sofa.

Know More About Your Dog’s Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


Dinky’s Corner – The Grooming Guy

pet grooming makati

pet grooming makati

Hello to all the readers of the Pet Lines!

It is my privilege and pleasure to be asked by Dr. Sixto Carlos to start a new feature column for this newsletter. It is basically my own little space wherein I can write about the anything about what makes Makati Dog and Cat Hospital one of the best places to bring your pets to for care and treatment such as its people, its culture, and its commitment to giving the best possible service to its clients.

On the lighter side, I’ll be writing about stuff like showbiz pets, pets in movies, pet events, pet contests and anything else that makes being a pet owner such a wonderful part of the human experience.

You can also become part of this new feature of Pet Lines by sending suggestions of what topics we can talk about in future issues.

All of these will be part of this new feature in this newsletter that we will call, drumroll please….”DINKY’sCORNER!”. Tah-dah!

To kick off this new exciting feature I’ll be talking about one of their longtime staff and in house groomer Jovit and his life with Makati Dog and Cat Hospital I hope you all enjoy this new feature of Pet Lines and Hope to hear and receive your ideas and suggestions soon.

The Grooming Guy

Jovito Calvario or “Jovit” as he is called by everyone at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital first came to Manila in 1989 from the province of Sorsogon.

His first job was in a Plastic Bottle factory cleaning the machinery. In 1994 he started working for Makati Dog and Cat Hospital (MDCH) as an all-around utility helper. While in that job he was mentored by MDCH’s in house groomer at that time until he himself became a groomer in 1999.

Being a groomer part of his job is cleaning of the pet grooming area as well as making sure that your pets that are scheduled for that day are properly fed. He makes a sincere effort to take care of the pets that are assigned to him and makes sure that he does his job well to make both the pet and the pet’s owner happy with the outcome of his efforts.

An average day of pet grooming for Jovit he usually gets to groom 3 to 4 animals. But he’s had days where he had to handle 13 pets just for that day.

He has his share of celebrity clients as well as having some favorite clients that have become loyal to Jovit’s customary services.

I asked Jovit if he had any tips to share with pet owners when it comes to pet grooming. He said that in his experience when pet owners try to do the pet grooming themselves in order to save money a lot of times they don’t really know what they’re doing.

They think it’s as simple as just brushing their pet’s fur, clipping their toenails, and bathing them with non pet-rated cleaners.

This can result in health issues to happen to their pet which could end up with them bringing their pet to the vet for treatment which would result in a higher expense for them thereby negating any “savings” that they were trying to do in the first place.

Jovit’s light hearted nature and commitment to doing an excellent job resonates well with the staff and the clients of Makati Dog and Cat Hospital. His presence will always be a reassurance that your pet will be well groomed and properly taken care of which makes him just one more reason to bring your beloved pet to the Makati Dog and Cat Hospital. Pet grooming is available in Makati Dog and Cat Hospital.

by: Benedict de Borja

Why Does Your Cat Purr?

Purring occurs as a result of vibration of vocal cords due to neurological stimulation from brain activity. The purpose is uncertain but it does seem to be associated with pleasurable activity.

However, cats are also known to purr when ill or injured, which lead some to believe that the frequency of the vibration can be associated with greater healing. Purring also is reinforcing for people and therefore can increase the amount of petting.

Cats generally purr when in contact with someone; a favored owner stroking, nursing a kitten, or greeting a familiar partner-cat. Positive experiences also elicit purring, rolling or rubbing, being in a warm familiar environment or about to fall peacefully asleep.

How Should You Care For Your Pet During New Year’s Eve


Unfortunately, many animals are terrified by firework displays which can indirectly pose risks to animal safety by causing them to take flight and try to escape the loud noises. Dogs  in particular may be afraid of fireworks and many try to run away, sometimes injuring themselves in the process. We receive calls from distressed owners whose dogs have run away. Many of these dogs can end up several kilometres from home. Dogs have been known to jump through plate glass windows to escape loud noises, and easily jump over, or dig their way under fences that would normally contain them.

What can I do for my dog?

• Prepare early.
• Talk to your vet about the treatment options available for managing noise phobias – ask them about any new treatment options.
• Take your dog out for exercise before the fireworks start e.g. reasonably long walk, then after a couple of hours you can feed a meal. A tired and well-fed dog will likely be less anxious during the night. If you can, stay home to be with your pet.
• Let your dog be with you and try to be calm and normal. Avoid fussing over your pet excessively but try to engage them in normal activities such as playing. Reward your dog for their calm behaviour, rewards include giving dog treats and  their favourite dog toy.
• Close the blinds/curtains, create a comfortable hiding place and allow your dog to go there to feel safe, put on some music or the TV to help mask the noise outside, and distract your dog with games and food.
• Dogs who panic can choke themselves on a collar or lead, so never tether your dog during these times and never use a choke chain to restrain your dog.
• Make sure your dog is micro-chipped and that your contact details are up to date on the microchip register. Also ensure they are wearing an ID tag so they can be easily returned if they accidentally escape.
• Direct supervision is important to help prevent injury or escape. If you cannot supervise your dog on the night consider making alternative arrangements so your dog will be supervised by a responsible person directly or consider boarding your dog so they will be safe.

What about cats?

Cats should be kept indoors during fireworks displays. Most cats will find somewhere safe to hide and will usually venture out when the noise stops. Make sure you cat is microchipped and your details are up to date on the microchip register in case they wander and become lost.

Make You Dog Feel Special Everyday
A Friendly Reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


5 Signs That Your Dog Actually Loves You



We love our dogs as if they are members of our families – because to us they really are! We show our dogs we love them in so many ways outside of just their regular care and maintenance, by doing things like buying them special treats and toys. But how do our dogs tell us they love us? We have a good feeling that they do, but it would be awesome to know for sure. Sometimes it might feel like a one-sided relationship, but if your dog does these 5 things for you–then this means they love you right back just as much!

#1 – Playing and Roughhousing With You


While it seems to come at the most inopportune times, our dogs sometimes get playful and try to wrestle with us. This is their natural way of playing! If you’ve ever watched your pup play with another dog, you’ll recognize he’s offering the same behavior to you. Doing a little wrestling with your pooch is certainly safe and fun, and will even give you a new game to play to keep your relationship strong!

#2 – Sleeping With You


Dogs are pack animals, and in the wild wolves and other canids sleep huddled together in packs. This helps keep them warm and help them feel safe. It’s also a way for your dog to show you he cares. He wants to be near you, and this is his natural way of showing you he feels comfortable and sees you as family.

#3 – Jumping on You


While this is typically undesirable behavior, dogs jump on people because they like them. When you come home after work or from running some errands, your dog is excited and wants to rejoice at your return! While it’s better to teach dogs another, more acceptable way to share their excitement, jumping should be seen as a display of affection.

#4 – Wagging Tails


Although tail wagging isn’t always a sign of happiness, it’s generally displayed towards dog owners as a means of affection. When a dog is wagging his tail loosely, and his body language is showing other signs of comfort and excitement, it’s safe to say he’s very happy you’re around!

#5 – Following You Around


Dogs will follow their owners for a variety of reasons, including their knowledge that you’re typically the source of their food and shelter. But dogs are also pack animals that enjoy being with their families, and following you around is just another clue that your pup likes to stick by your side because he loves you. So even though she might get in the way from time to time, it’s important to remember that she simply just wants your company. 

Written by:  Modi Ramos



paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinic

paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinicThere’s Grumpy Cat, Venus the two- faced kitty, Maru the Master of Boxes, and Garfi the Angriest Cat. Now, there’s someone new in the club.

Setsu- chan is an adorable blue- eyed, white cat from Japan owned by Japanese Illustrator, Mino. He started posting pictures of Setsu- chan on his twitter account and it gained popularity in a beat.

People from the internet calls him the new “Jekyll and Hyde” cat and was dubbed as the “ugliest sleeping face in Japan” by none other than his owner, Mino.

The difference between his appearance when he’s awake and when he’s sleeping is huge. Setsu- chan looks adorable and cute when he’s awake but when he starts to get sleepy, his cute demeanour will be instantly replaced by an odd appearance which according to the Japanese language is “Hengao”.Screen Shot 2015-09-16 at 6.00.52 PM

Mino released a book about his cat titled, “The Most Awful Sleeping Face in Japan: The Unparalleled Beautiful Cat Setsuchan” which was released in Japan last December 2014. He was also featured in a lot of TV Shows and Magazine in Japan.

Nevertheless, Setsu- chan is adorable, awake or not.

by: Yza Angela E. Turingan

St. Paul University Manila

Pet Adoption In Andorra

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Andorra is a small Principality (& separate country) of 70,000 people situated 200 kms. North East of Barcelona in the Pyrenees mountains between Spain & France.

An animal rescue centre is operated by volunteers which takes in lost/stray/abandoned dogs and cats where volunteers also take turns in walking the dogs outside the centre in the forest.

paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinicWhile not every dog or cat is found a new home there has been success with 2 approaches:

  1. Taking the dogs to the people. A selection of healthy dogs (with all rabies shots etc.,) available for adoption are taken by volunteers to all the village fiestas and walked around, mingling with the crowds. Each dog is fitted with a small yellow “jacket” saying, “I’m available for adoption”. The dogs seem to enjoy the day out and they get a chance to meet people rather than the centre trying to get people to come and see the dogs.

I have not seen if this also works for older cats but it should work for kittens in a confined area.

  1. Long distance adoption. The small foreign community in Andorra includes a number of Dutch and German families. There has been success with separate families to adopt the Andorran dogs in Holland and Germany. The dogs are microchipped and have the European pet passports issued (for cross border travel – certification of good health, current rabies shots etc.,)

Volunteers then deliver the dogs from Andorra to their new owners –  distances over 800 kilometre one way, either on a family visit to the volunteer’s home country or just for the drive.

I understand over 75 dogs have found new homes so far.
by: Ian Fish

Cat And Their Claws (How To Deal With Cat Scratching)

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paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinic pet grooming makati

If you’re a cat lover like me, you’ve probably dealt with the problem of shredded furniture. Cats have to scratch as surely as birds have to fly, for reasons buried deep in their psyches, like marking territory, as well as for play, exercise, and nail conditioning.

However, rather than take a hatchet to a hangnail and remove kitty’s claws (and ligaments, muscle, and bone)  in a cruel procedure called “declawing,” there are simple, non- invasive solutions to worries about the furnishings. Declawing involves 10 separate, very painful amputations. It is a serious surgery, not just a manicure. Declawing a cat involves general anaesthesia and amputation of the last joint of each toe, including the bones. After surgery, the nails may grow back inside the paw, causing pain but remaining invisible to you. Declawing results in a gradual weakening of leg, shoulder, and back muscles, and because of impaired balance caused by the procedure, declawed cats have to relearn to walk, much as a person would after losing his or her toes.

Many kind veterinarians will not perform the declawing surgery. As Dr. Nichols Dodman of the Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine says, “Declawing is abhorrent and inhumane,” and as Dr. Louis J. Camuti, who has practiced veterinary medicine for 40 years, puts it, “I wouldn’t declaw a cat even if you paid me $ 1,000 a nail.”

The reasons not to declaw are too numerous to count on one paw. It can make cats who were once full of life lifeless, withdrawn, and upset, and you will not be able to turn back the clock. Cats naturally walk like ballerinas on their “pointe,” but declawing throws them off balance, forcing them to learn to walk in a very different way, which can cause irreparable and painful damage to the spine. Nearly two dozen countries— including England, Australia, and Japan— ban or severely restrict declawing surgeries.paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinic

It is the little hook on the end of your cat’s nails that is responsible for pulling threads and tearing at things, so that hook has to be worn down or snipped off . Here is how to avoid tatters while keeping your cat happy:

  • Get as many scratching posts as you can (the horizontal ones work as well as the vertical), trying different surfaces and styles. Put catnip on them once in a while to make them super inviting.
  • Smear a little cologne on any fabric area where you do not want your cat to scratch. Sometimes covering a piece of furniture temporarily with contact paper or something else that’s slippery will stop the behaviour.
  • If you have a steady hand and good eyesight, buy a pair of cat nail clippers and use them. Gently squeeze each nail out, look for the quick (this is vital), and snip off  the hook only, just above the quick. If you are unsure, go to a gentle veterinarian or groomer and insist on staying with your cat while his or her nails are clipped.
  • Spay or neuter your cat! It reduces the need for them to mark their territory.

There you have it, friends.

Happy purring!

by: Jana Sevilla

Jana is a campaign coordinator for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Asia.

To get involved with PETA’s work in the Philippines, please visit or email

Ticks 101: 8 Basic Tick Facts That Every Responsible Pet Owner Like You Should Know About

paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinic

Ticks 101

1) The tick found in dogs in the Philippines is Rhipicephalus sanguineus. In tagalog, garapata.

Ticks will not only bite your dog, but will they also bite you.

2) They love hot weather = summer.

3) They may cause your dog to scratch, be itchy and develop skin disease.

4) They are carriers of dangerous dog diseases like: Ehrlichia Canis (dog dengue) and Babesiosis.

paranaque vet clinic, carlos veterinary clinic

5) The species of ticks in other countries have toxins in their saliva which may cause tick paralysis.

6) The bite of ticks are irritating. May be painful and can cause inflammation. Secondary bacterial infection may lead to skin disease.

7) Lyme disease is painful condition in humans which is difficult to treat. It is transmitted by tick bites.

8) Visit your veterinarian on how to treat and prevent tick infestation of your dog and your house. It may be as easy as using spot on medications.

by: Sixto S. Carlos, DVM, MS

Makati Dog & Cat Hospital
