蓋付茶碗青金唐津古紋#五座五重 作5客一組(一箱)が2組で合計10客ございます。自宅で保存の為、多少の擦れはご了承ください。通常では手間が掛かりすぎて造られないほどの至高の仕事がされています。 Kiyomizu-yaki Kyo-yaki Gozagowa Wakinran Seika bowl with lid 10 customers Tea bowl with lid Blue gold Karatsu Komon #Goza Gosaku There are 2 groups of 5 customers (1 box) for a total of 10 customers. Please note that it will be stored at home, so some rubbing may occur. Usually it takes too much time to make The supreme work is being done.